Newsroom | 2018 News Releases

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Children's Grief Center of New Mexico Receives Grant From Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Mexico

The Children’s Grief Center of New Mexico (CGC) announced today that it received a $15,000 grant from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Mexico (BCBSNM) through its Healthy Kids, Healthy Families® (HKHF) initiative. CGC provides a safe and supportive environment where children, teens and their families can share experiences and feelings while grieving a death. This is the fifth year that BCBSNM has provided CGC a grant to support their grief programming for youth and families.

“The Children’s Grief Center of New Mexico provides a valuable service to our community,” said Janice Torrez, divisional vice president of external affairs and chief of staff, BCBSNM. “We are proud to support their programs, which align with our mission to improve the health and wellness of children and families in New Mexico.”

HKHF is a signature program of BCBSNM. The initiative focuses on engaging children and their families in understanding the importance of nutritious food, raising the level of physical activity, improving immunizations rates, better managing chronic conditions and promoting safe environments. Likewise, CGC provides a safe and healthy environment for children to talk about their feelings with other children in age-appropriate peer support groups. With seven different peer support groups, there are several options to fit the needs of grieving families. Since 2001, trained bereavement facilitators have led these free and much-needed support groups that promote hope, healing and healthy coping skills for bereaved youth.

“We are honored to have the support of BCBSNM through this initiative. This support will help us provide year-long services to 550 children and family members each year,” said Shari O’Loughlin, executive director of the Children’s Grief Center of New Mexico. A 13-year-old who attended group sessions after the death of his uncle recently said, “It feels like a shelter where I can express my feelings without being made fun of.”

A Division of Health Care Service Corporation, a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association