September 14, 2020
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Mexico (BCBSNM) and Home Access Health Corporation have collaborated so that select Blue Cross Community Centennial members ages 18 and above can receive in-home diabetes monitoring test kits. Members with diabetes for whom we have not received a claim evidencing annual completion of either or both of the glycated hemoglobin (A1c) or microalbuminuria (MAU) tests may receive in-home testing kits. The in-home testing kits are a convenient option for members to be tested in the comfort and privacy of their homes at no additional charge to them.
We have let members know they will receive the testing kits and that taking the test is voluntary. Members have until December 30, 2020 to complete and submit their tests for processing. Home Access Health Corporation will process the tests and send results to the member and any primary care provider identified by the member when returning the test.
BCBSNM acknowledges the Measurement Year (MY) 2020 & MY 2021 NCQA HEDIS Comprehensive Diabetes Care (CDC) retirement of the "Medical Attention for Nephropathy" indicator for the Commercial and Medicaid product lines, and the addition of the new HEDIS measure of Kidney Health Evaluation for Patients With Diabetes (KED: eGFR and uACR) announced in July 2020. That said, the MAU testing kit will continue to be furnished in furtherance of the goal of this program: to help members close current testing gaps and facilitate discussions with their healthcare providers to improve their diabetic wellness, including kidney health evaluations for patients with diabetes.
How You Can Help:
- Discuss with members the importance of A1c and MAU testing, kidney health evaluations, and healthy lifestyle choices that promote diabetes wellness; and
- If members receive in-home testing kits and call your office with questions, please encourage them to participate and complete the kits as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, please contact your BCBSNM Provider Network Representative.
Such services are funded in part with the state of New Mexico.
This material is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for the independent medical judgment of a physician. Physicians and other health care providers are encouraged to use their own best medical judgment based upon all available information and the condition of the patient in determining the best course of treatment. The fact that a service or treatment is described in this material is not a guarantee that the service or treatment is a covered benefit and members should refer to their certificate of coverage for more details, including benefits, limitations and exclusions. Regardless of benefits, the final decision about any service or treatment is between the member and their health care provider.
Home Access Health Corporation is an independent company that provides laboratory testing services for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Mexico
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Mexico, a Division of Health Care Service Corporation, a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association